Monday 30 May 2011

Bank Holidays are for Rain and Painting.

I went to Argos on Friday last week to buy a pool cue. I don't play pool a lot, but I'd promised my friends that we would play pool at the weekend, and I thought that if I went along with my own pool cue then it would make me play better. Here is a picture of me threatening Lee with my new cue. Look how happy I look.

I took it along to the Swan on Friday night to play. I was really excited. It all turned sour pretty quickly when the landlord told me that the pool room was out of order because it was full of lawn mowers. I didn't get to play pool until Sunday once all the lawn mowers had been moved. I played 15 games and won 11. The cue made me play better. I knew it. The cue made me a pool pro. 

Anyway, I have been adding more window frames to my painting. I've gone through to 2 rolls of masking tape. The biggest worry is no longer perspective. The biggest worry is that I have discovered Ziggy has a fear of the sound of masking tape being peeled from the roll. 

I can't really wait until I'm through with this masking tape element of my painting. I want to get down to business and start drawing on it again. However I know I've got to go through a tricky smoke stage to grime up the image a tad. Yeah painting with smoke.

I know what you're thinking. It's too geometric isn't it? Yep I've been thinking that too. Its not worrying me though. 

Right then, while this is drying, I'm going to walk Zig in the rain and help him get out of this masking tape funk. I'm also going to take some snaps of Withington Community Centre, and before you ask, no, I won't be snapping pics of sweaty, young women leaving the community centre after doing Zumba sessions. I'm no pervert, I just like the  building. It's an option for my second painting in this series.

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